Chodzi mi o dzialanie tej karty. Oryginalna wersja jest niejasna i nikt nie wie jak to interpretowac
Gdyby ktos byl ciekaw, to w oryginale jest tak jak ponizej (kopia z forum FFG):
If you win this battle, you may choose 1 of your Corruption cards and discrard it. If you do not, draw 1 Corruption card.
There are five possible interpretations:
A) if you win this battle, you may discard 1 of your corruption cards, but you must draw 1 corruption card if you don't have any corruption cards already (or don't want to discard any).
if you win this battle, you may discard 1 of your corruption cards, but you must draw 1 corruption card if you have at least one corruption card already and don't want to discard any.
C) if you win this battle, you may discard 1 of your corruption cards. If you lose or tie this battle, draw 1 corruption card (in addition to losing 1 life if the battle is lost).
D) if you win this battle, you may discard 1 of your corruption cards, but you must draw 1 corruption card if you don't have any corruption cards already (or don't want to discard any). If you lose or tie this battle, draw 1 corruption card (in addition to losing 1 life if the battle is lost).
E) if you win this battle, you may discard 1 of your corruption cards, but you must draw 1 corruption card if you have at least one corruption card already and don't want to discard any. If you lose or tie this battle, draw 1 corruption card (in addition to losing 1 life if the battle is lost).